1. Reduce the Central Avenue Traffic from present 4 lanes (2 each way) to 2 lanes (1 each way)
2. Move the meter parked cars inward one lane, toward the center of the street.
3. Pour a Synthetic Sidewalk Faux-Brick (as near Café Napoli) the length of the street, over the existing parking places.
4. The traffic lights at the North-end can remain as is…
5. The traffic lights at the South-end at Forsyth need to be adjusted.
6. Parking meters can stay where they are – might need some more signage pointing out location of meter coin slot.
7. Increase Parking Meter Revenue by adding new tech to meters (so a meter resets when a car leaves; increase $ by 15-20%)
8. Pay for the Synthetic Sidewalk out of extra Parking Meter revenue
9. Wooden or Concrete Plant-Box style dividers will be used to separate the different shop’s sidewalk areas from each other – more plants and trees !
10. Shopkeepers responsible for Buying and Maintaining foliage; Shopkeepers clean the sidewalks daily