H E L P ! We are trying to persuade the Clayton citizens and City Hall employees to make some simple, inexpensive changes to North Central Avenue - the result being:
1. A More Lively Urban Street Scene full of boutique shops and Outdoor Cafes ~ adding 250+ more chairs lining the street means more people, means the restaurants weather the economy and we have more choices where to dine.
2. More Green Space - the retailers and restaurants will add hundreds of trees and plants to 'green' the street. Result is a lush green garden with outdoor cafes and shops tucked within the greenery.
3. The Citizens are Happier - They ask for more dining and shopping choices. They ask for a Paris-feel to their street scene. They profess that they want to WALK to their shops and restaurants. They want a clean, GREEN city. And by making a few simple changes, Everyone Wins."
We need your help -- please vote in our survey and visit North Central Avenue and tell someone that you are a supporter !!!